this is me!



The Net has no center. That is to say, no hidden grand narrative regulates allWeb pages. However, it is not a world established through the com-bination of outer signs alone, as in the case of the rhizome model. On the Internet, rather, there is distinct double - layer structure, wherein, on the one hand, there is an accumulation of encoded information, and, on the other hand, there are individual Web pages made in accordancewith the users “reading them up. The major difference between this double-layer structure and the modern tree model is that, with the double-layer structure, the agency that determines the appearance that emerges on the surface outer layer resides on the surface itself rather than in the deep inner layer; i.e., it belongs on the side of the user who is doing the “reading up,” rather than with the hidden information itself. // Azuma Hiroki, Database Animals (S. 31-32) //